COVID-19: PCC Offers Telehealth

COVID-19 Notice: PCC Offers Telehealth for Your Safety and Continuity of Care
COVID-19 is changing the conversation around the way we conduct business in all sectors of industry, including mental health. Companies like Zoom that provide video conferencing capabilities have suddenly become extremely relevant to companies that previously didn’t even know they existed.
At the Psychiatric Care Center, we recognize the need to continue providing mental healthcare, especially in a time of crisis, and therefore we have made our services available online for the first time.
All our providers now have telehealth capabilities, and with the temporary grace afforded during this crisis, we have been able to implement these measures quickly. Though we are still navigating the technical aspect of this implementation, we have been able to virtually meet with patients since mid-March.
The process requires that you have a working smartphone or computer with audio and video, and an email address. We will send an invitation for your appointment to your email, and you will need to click on the link and install an app in order to join the call. For those who do not have the technology, we are utilizing phone visits.
Even as the threat of COVID-19 spreads across our communities, we are dedicated to finding ways to responsibly continue to provide mental health care to our patients in this time. Above all, we want you to know this; we are here for you.